Walk-in hunting, or the Missouri Outdoor Recreational Access Program (MRAP), is a program for land that meets specific qualifications that offers hunting, angling, and wildlife viewing opportunities for sportspeople.
If you own rural land, is this something that interests you? Here’s what you need to know before participating in a walk-in hunting program on your land:
The Land Used Is Privately Owned
This land that is used for MRAP is privately owned and in general, must be at least 40 acres for hunting purposes. If you want to participate for anglers, land less than 40 acres will be considered.
When you have been accepted into the program, your land will be available for search on the Missouri Department of Conservation’s website. The Department will not manage the land for you.
There Will Be Liability Protection
In Missouri, you are provided with liability protection under the Missouri Recreational Use Immunity Law. Here, “Landowner owes no duty of care to persons entering without fee to keep land safe for recreational use — immunity from liability for injuries of trespasser on land adjacent to park or trail.”
There are, of course, exceptions as you do need to keep the land safe for recreational use and “give any general or specific warning with respect to any natural or artificial condition, structure, or personal property thereon.”
These Programs Offer Compensation To Landowners
If you do decide to participate in a walk-in hunting program, know that you will be offered compensation for use of the land and are subject to a list of rules. These rules include:
- Foot traffic only
- There must be designated parking
- User registration at a designated access point
- MRAP areas are open for public access one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset.
As a landowner, you aren’t required to provide trails or mowed paths, but as mentioned above, you must provide warnings about any dangers in the terrain.
Wanting to purchase hunting land? Then it’s time to talk to the experts at Merchant of Homes. Our experienced agents are hunters and outdoors people themselves, and have years of experience buying and selling recreational properties.
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