Should disaster strike your home, like theft or severe weather, do you know what’s in your home so you can claim your home insurance? Taking an annual home inventory can help.
Taking a home inventory can help you find the best home insurance for your needs
When purchasing home insurance, you’ll need to know what should be covered beyond the home itself. This includes high-value items like electronics, jewelry, and furniture that can be added as a “personal articles floater” to insure them for their current purchase price or most recent appraised value.
Research the insurance company carefully to understand what they offer and its pricing.
Be thorough when doing an annual home inventory
When taking a home inventory, go room by room and take careful note of each items:
- Description, including make and model
- Purchase date
- Estimated value
- Serial number
If you have the receipts for each item, even better! Keep these documents in a safe place, like a safety deposit box. Whenever you make a big purchase, update your inventory with the new item.
A home inventory will help you file a claim
A home inventory will make the process more manageable if you should make a home insurance claim. The insurance agent can corroborate your loss with the information you have about each item.
Get help from the experts
When searching for a home and homeowner’s insurance, know that you aren’t doing it alone. The professionals at Eric Merchant can help you through the process thanks to our years of experience buying and selling a wide variety of homes and properties throughout the Midwest.