Putting your home on the market is no small task. You have to show off the property’s best features and make it attractive to buyers.
To make your home a more attractive buy, follow these seven tips.
Fix the Little Things
A cracked tile in the bathroom, a broken drawer handle, a missing light cover; these little things may not be a big deal in the overall scheme of things, but it means a lot to prospective buyers. The best thing you can do is walk around each room of the home and outside and note anything that a buyer may notice. If something needs repair, fix it!
Depersonalize the Home & Clean
Before you even conceive of buyers walking through your home, depersonalize the house and clean it well! Buyers don’t want to walk through a home and think about everything they have to clean if they purchase. This means a thorough deep cleaning in all those nooks and crannies that you usually overlook when doing everyday housework.
Remember to keep the house clean in-between viewings!
Improve Your Curb Appeal
Improving your home’s curb appeal before selling can be as little as mowing, removing weeds, and setting out some potted flowers. If there is a deck or front porch, sweep it off and keep it clean.
Make it Smell Great
One of the first things that buyers noticed when walking into a house is how it smells. Bad smells like cigarette smoke and animal smells can be very off-putting for buyers, and the first thing they will think about is if the smell is a sign of something wrong with the home.
Bad smells in the home can indicate that something is wrong, like mold or electrical problems. Get these checked out and fixed before viewings. Make sure sinks and drains are not blocked, garbage is taken out, and remove malodorous furniture.
Get the Home Inspected & Provide Copies
Making your home a more attractive buy is not all about cosmetics. You also have to look under the surface.
It’s always a good idea to get the home inspected yourself and provide copies to interested buyers. Of course, they will order their inspection, but this is a great way to show that you are transparent about any potential issues. It also reassures them that there will be no surprises in buying from you.
Listen To Your Agent
Your agent has been around the block a few times. They will have targeted advice about preparing your home for sale and making it a more attractive buy. The professionals at Merchant of Homes will have strategies for marketing your property, such as highlighting unique features, marketing to the right people, and hosting open houses.